5 Reasons to Choose Solar

Have you been seeing all of your neighbours get Solar recently? With increasing government incentives and climate change issues becoming more and more prominent. Here are a few reasons why people are making the switch and why you too should consider going solar.

  1. Reduce your energy bills

Electricity costs can make up a large portion of your monthly expenses. With a solar panel system, you’ll generate free power for your system’s entire 25+ year lifespan. Even if you don’t produce 100 percent of the energy you consume, solar still reduces your utility bills, meaning you’ll save a lot of money.

Although sunny days will produce more solar energy, solar panels will continue to draw energy even when the weather is cloudy. Indirect, or diffused, sunlight will still help to power your home. Cloudy days usually produce around 10 to 20 percent of the power generated on sunny days.

  1. Helps the environment

The most commonly known fact about solar energy is that it represents a clean source of energy. Solar power is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. There’s nothing about solar power that pollutes the earth. Solar power doesn’t release any greenhouse gasses. Hence, it’s safe and environmentally-friendly. Yet, people are still in doubt why solar energy is good.

Solar power is self-sufficient and installing solar panels on your roof is a safe and easy path to contribute to a sustainable future. Starting on your home is a great way to show you care about the environment.

  1. Increases property value

homes with solar sell for more than homes without. And when you consider that solar allows you to reduce or eliminate electricity bills, it’s easy to understand why: wouldn’t you rather live somewhere without monthly utility bills? 

  1. Immediate saving

Every year, electricity prices continue to increase throughout the country. Especially since the 2023 budget was announced in Australia that electricity prices would be increasing 50%!

By investing in a solar energy system now, you can lock-in the price you pay for electricity today in order to protect against future increases in electricity costs.

Solar gives you immediate savings. Seeing a dramatic decrease in electricity bills on average $50- $100 per bill (based on a 6.6kw system).

  1. Great return on investment
If by installing solar you reduce your annual electricity bill by an average of $1078 and an average 6.6 kw solar system costs $2,000 + $1,400 ( total $3,400) it would take approximately 3 years to see a return on your investment. This is a short time to pay off your investment to receive lifelong savings on your electricity bills.

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