How to Claim the Solar Rebate

Disclaimer: there is not long till the rebate reduces and prices of solar increase due to inflation.

Victorian government is providing a rebate of $1,400 to help encourage Victorians to install solar. The loan is interest- free and will be repaid after 4 years with weekly payments of $24 per week. This dramatically reduces installation costs and makes it affordable for the average Victorian.

Getting a solar system on your home on average can save a family $1073 per year on electricity bills. This amount will only increase with further announcements from the government that electricity prices will skyrocket from 2023.

The rebate is only applicable for solar panels, inverters, solar hot water systems and solar batteries.

The criteria to be eligible for the government rebate is very straight forward.

  • You own an existing property or a home under construction.
  • The owners have a combined household income of $180,000 after tax, per year.
  • The house or construction value must be below $3 million.
  • You do not already have an existing solar system.

Once you have established you are eligible for the rebate, make sure you find a reputable solar company that is registered under the Vic Solar program in order to ensure you can claim the rebate.

I strongly suggest that you do your research when finding a solar company. I have had people call me and say that a company sold them a system or battery but will not install it or others that have said that a company gave them a quote thousands of dollars cheaper than several other companies. These are scenarios to be cautious of. ‘Cheapest’ it not always best.

Once you have found a quote there are a few steps.

  1. Ensure you have thoroughly read through your contract and understood the requirements on the Vic Solar Website.
  2. Pre- approval from the Distribution Network Service Provider (DNSP)

This ensures the connection and exportation of your solar to the grid when your system gets installed.  Generally, the solar company you buy from will do this step on your behalf.

3. Receive an eligibility number and QR code.

Once you have accessed the Portal, you can select the quote provided to us by your retailer and use that as the starting point to assess your eligibility. Once you are confirmed as eligible, Solar Victoria will provide you a unique eligibility number and QR code that must be scanned by your installer in order to proceed with your installation. Without this eligibility number and QR code, the installation cannot proceed.

During this process you will need to provide the following information on the Vic Solar Website.

  • Proof of identity
  • Proof of ownership
  • Proof of income

NOTE: Please do not provide this information to a solar company directly as this is your personal information. This is the customer’s responsibility to upload onto the website.

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