How to stop pigeons from nesting under your solar panels

Pigeons nesting under solar panels can be a common and frustrating issue for homeowners. Not only can their presence create a mess, but their nesting materials and droppings may also pose a risk to the efficiency and functionality of the solar panel system. Fortunately, there are several effective methods you can employ to discourage pigeons from nesting under your solar panels.

Install Pigeon Netting or Wire Mesh:

One of the most reliable methods to prevent pigeons from accessing the area under the solar panels is by installing pigeon netting or wire mesh. This creates a barrier that denies pigeons entry. The netting or mesh should be securely fastened around the perimeter of the solar panels, covering all possible entry points. Ensure that the material used is durable and specifically designed to deter birds, as pigeons are known to be persistent and adaptable.

Use Bird Spikes:

Bird spikes are another effective solution for deterring pigeons from nesting under solar panels. These are plastic or metal devices that can be attached to the edges of the solar panels or any other surfaces where pigeons tend to perch. Bird spikes create an uneven and uncomfortable surface that makes it difficult for pigeons to land and nest. Be sure to choose spikes that are designed specifically for pigeons and install them properly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Employ Visual Deterrents:

Pigeons can be discouraged by visual stimuli that appear threatening or unfamiliar to them. You can hang reflective objects, such as old CDs, aluminum foil strips, or windsocks, near the solar panels. These objects create flashing light and movement, which may deter pigeons from nesting. Additionally, placing large predatory bird decals or silhouette cutouts near the solar panel area can create the illusion of a predator’s presence, scaring away pigeons.

Implement Audible Deterrents:

Pigeons can also be deterred by loud noises or sounds that they find unpleasant. Ultrasonic bird deterrent devices emit high-frequency sounds that are bothersome to pigeons but inaudible to humans. These devices can be installed near the solar panel area to create an uncomfortable environment for pigeons, deterring them from nesting. Additionally, motion-activated noisemakers, such as those that produce predator calls or distress signals, can startle pigeons and discourage nesting.

Apply Anti-Roosting Gel:

Anti-roosting gel is a sticky substance that can be applied to the edges of the solar panels or any other surfaces where pigeons tend to land. Pigeons dislike the sticky texture and will avoid landing on it, preventing nesting. Ensure that the gel used is safe for the solar panel materials and does not damage their surface. It is important to reapply the gel periodically, especially after heavy rain or strong winds.

Maintain Cleanliness:

Pigeons are attracted to areas where they can find food sources. To discourage their presence, it is essential to maintain cleanliness around the solar panel area. Remove any potential food sources such as spilled birdseed, fallen fruits, or garbage. Regularly clean up any droppings, feathers, or nesting materials that may accumulate under the solar panels. By eliminating these attractants, you reduce the likelihood of pigeons nesting in the vicinity.

Seek Professional Assistance:

If your efforts to deter pigeons from nesting under solar panels prove ineffective, or if you prefer to leave the task to professionals, consider contacting a reputable pest control service or a company that specializes in bird control. These experts have experience in dealing with bird-related issues and can provide guidance on the best course of action for your specific situation. They may suggest more advanced deterrent techniques or employ other methods.

iKlen is a Melbourne business that provide solar panel cleaning and can assist in deterring pigeons from nesting on your roof and help you to clean up their mess.